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International Student Services

Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN)

What is an ITIN?

An Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) is issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), which is the U.S. tax collection agency. The number is for nonresidents who need to file a tax return because of taxable income (like some scholarships) but are not eligible for a Social Security Number (SSN). SSN are only issued to nonresidents who are employed. For more information, review the IRS Publication 1915.

Who needs an ITIN?

You should apply for an ITIN if:

  1. You are not eligible for an SSN. If you are employed or intend to start work soon, you should not apply for an ITIN but rather an SSN.
  2. You Have a Valid Tax-Related Reason for an ITIN.
    1. If you received a scholarship/fellowship stipend directly paid to you through Student Fiscal Services/the UW you should apply for an ITIN.
    2. Non-employment income including scholarships, fellowships, grants, or non-employment stipend payments not paid by UW may also require an ITIN for reporting purposes. These can be taxable if they are greater than the cost of tuition and fees.
    3. Some banks may require an ITIN to report interest earnings on savings accounts.

You should NOT apply for an ITIN if:

    1. You already have an SSN; or
    2. You are eligible for an SSN; or
    3. You do not have a valid reason for an ITIN.


How to Apply

How to Apply for ITIN

Gather the necessary documents and information to complete the online request for ITIN support letters from ISS:

  • Scan or photo of your UW scholarship/fellowship/grant letter
  • Know the answer to whether you will claim a tax treaty benefit. If you are unsure, review the IRS “U.S. Tax Treaties” publication before proceeding with this request. Please note ISS advisers cannot advise about tax treaty eligibility. We do not have expertise about taxes.

The ISS office can only provide ITIN support letters for students receiving scholarships/fellowships from the UW. If you or your spouse need an ITIN to file a tax return because of other taxable non-employment income, you will need to apply for the ITIN using other documentation.

Log in to MyISSS to submit a request for ITIN support letters from ISS. You will need to provide a copy of your scholarship or fellowship letter. Allow 2-3 business weeks for ISS processing.
ISS will prepare ITIN support letters for you and have the original available to pick up once it is ready.

Apply for an ITIN through the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) following their instructions. You can get help applying for an individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) with an IRS-approved Acceptance Agent.

Related Resources

IRS Instructions

Find what you need to apply for or renew an individual tax identification number (ITIN). You can apply by mail or in person.

Visit Website

IRS Agents

You can get help applying for an individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) with an IRS-approved Acceptance Agent.

Visit Website

Applying for an SSN

If you’re employed or have been authorized for work, you should apply for an SSN.

Visit Website