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International Student Services

Advising on Graduation


The completion of an international student’s program coursework has a few implications for their immigration record. At the completion of their program, international students are given a grace period during which they can take one of several actions:

  1. depart the country
  2. apply for post-graduation work authorization
  3. transfer to another school
  4. apply for a higher degree level at the UW
  5. change of out of the F or J student status into another

International students should consult their academic advisor and ISS when planning for the completion of their program.

Completion of Program vs Graduation

For immigration purposes, a student has completed their program when all coursework is done. Students should not remain enrolled in their academic program beyond the completion of degree requirements even if there are additional classes they would like to take. This especially should not occur for the purpose of working under Curricular Practical Training (CPT). If a student’s immigration document (I-20/DS-2019) has more time than needed, the document will be updated by ISS to reflect the final quarter of enrollment.

Sometimes a student has completed their coursework but for some reason their graduation application is delayed. In this case, students are still considered to have finished their program during the last quarter of enrollment. The student does not need to update their immigration document (I-20/DS-2019) to reflect the actual conferral of the degree. Graduation is considered an administrative university process.

On-campus Employment and Graduation

Many international students work on campus, especially through academic appointments. F and J international students are required to stop all work by the last day of their final quarter. If the academic appointment is listed as after this date for administrative purposes, this is not a concern as long as the student is not actually working beyond their last day.

If a department wants a student to continue their employment beyond graduation, the student must have the appropriate post-graduation work authorization (OPT or Academic Training).